It’s time for a government run by the people, instead of money.

Do you believe there is too much money in our political system? Check out this video and listen to what Virginians think. Click here.

In swing states like Virginia, where the power and influence of huge donations can determine electoral outcomes, the cost of elections has skyrocketed over the last decade. In 2011, the Senate and House of Delegates’ campaigns together raised $68.7 million. By 2023, even before the November election, contributions have jumped to over $174 million, pushing Virginia into the position of a state with some of the highest cost elections in the country. Virginia is one of only five states that has no limits for political contributions.

It’s time for that to change. Four out of five Virginia citizens believe that large donors have too much power yet over the past three decades no substantive reform has happened. You and your voice can make a difference. Visit our Take Action page, or click on one of the links below to get engaged today!

Who are we?

BigMoneyOutVA  is a non-partisan group which champions good governance and transparency in Virginia, while promoting increased public discourse between citizens of the Commonwealth and their legislators. We are dedicated to getting big money out of politics through campaign finance reform so as to increase the legitimacy and integrity of government and to enable our elected officials to better reflect the interests and will of all citizens of the Commonwealth.

Ready to educate yourself?

Campaign finance reform - and related good governance topics - can be a lot to take on and understand at first! That’s why we’ve spent a lot of time compiling overviews and resources to help you educate yourself on these topics. Check out our updated Citizen’s Report, or one of our many issue-specific briefs on an issue you care about. Have more questions? Consider attending one of our upcoming meetings, or reach out directly to speak with one of our existing members.

In the 2020 S.W.A.M.P. Index, Virginia ranks among the lowest of all the 50 states and D.C. in both disclosure of, and accountability for, campaign finance contributions and expenditures and its regulation of government ethics.

Coalition for Integrity 2020 S.W.A.M.P. Index

See past and present legislation.

Every year, the Virginia General Assembly meets for a 30- or 60-day session in odd- and even-numbered years, respectively. In that incredibly short time-frame they introduce, debate, discuss, and vote on almost all the legislation that affects Virginians for the year to come. It is in this time span, that we attempt to introduce and support good campaign finance reform measures. Check out the legislation we’ve supported in the past and what we hope to see in 2023!

Ready to take action?

We can only expect things to get better if we act! By spreading the message, speaking with legislators, sponsoring good legislation, and attending events, we show our legislators that these issues matter and help move things forward! There are so many ways to get involved!

Sign up for our mailing list to receive updates and an invite to our next meeting!

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